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# Session Start: Sat Feb 14 00:00:00 2015
# Session Ident: #whatwg
# [00:00] * Joins: caitp- (~caitp@CPE48f8b385c01c-CM84948c4c6f80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
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# [02:11] <MikeSmith> annevk: thanks, I've disabled that bugzilla spammer account
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# [10:20] <annevk> Hixie: seems you can only really tell that using a browser; not aware of any research though it would be interesting
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# [17:50] <pyfisch> hello, in HTTP/2 are "list headers" usually expressed as multiple headers or as a single header with the values separated by commas? Or is even one option invalid?
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# [20:05] <pyfisch> again Are in HTTP/2 headers that may have multiple values usually expressed as multiple headers or as a single header with the values separated by commas? Or is even one option invalid?
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