The filesize effect of UPPERCASE versus lowercase tags

Some guy said uppercase characters require less bytes, so I had to test this:

So what's happening here?


Some other guy told me it had to do with the filenames, so I changed those:

Still weird..


The same guy said it perhaps had to do with the compression. Since the filesize is computed using filesize() I don't think that's it.

Operating system?

This file is served by Windows (at the moment). After copying this entire directory to my Debian server I got the next list:


Hmpf, so line endings quite suck. Apparently my editor (Zend Development Environment) just liked saving all lowercase files with \n and all uppercase ones with \r\n. Nice test cases :/

Two files created with Microsoft ® Notepad (very handy tool!):

So, it's all bullshit :)

Thanks for watching!

After configuring ZDE *cough* correctly, I got the test pages I wanted.