Note: This 'manual' is copied from as a quick reference for myself.
By default, all lengths and sizes are in points. You can override this by specifying a unit after the number. Currently recognized units are:
<a href="">This is a URL link</a> <a href="#blah">This is a local link</a> <a name="blah" />This is a local anchor.See also:
<pdml> <head> <author>John Q. Author</author> </head> ...See also: subject, keywords,
Normal text, <b>Bold text, </b> More normal text.See also: u, i, font,
<pdml> <body> Text to render goes here. </body> </pdml>See also: head,
Some text.<br /> More text on the next line. <br height="3cm" /> Some more text, 3 centimeters below.See also: page,
hm. write me. See 3d example in the "examples" section.See also: div, multicell,
yes, an example would be nice. See 3d example in the "examples" section.See also:
<div top=30% left=30% width=40% height=40% color=#00FF00 border=2mm> This is <b>right</b> in the <u>middle</u> of the page.<br> Neat. </div>See also: multicell,
default size. <font size=%200>This is twice as big.</font> <font size=8pt>This is 8pt. <font size=4cm>This is a 4cm-tall font. </font>This is a 8pt font again.</font> <font face=Courier>This is courier<font face=Arial> This is arial</font> courier again</font> <font color="#ff0000">red, </font> <font color="#00ff00">green, </font> <font color="#0000ff">blue.</font>See also: b, u, i,
<body> <footer> <multicell top=98% align=right> Page &pagenumber;/&pagecount;</multicell> </footer> <page /> <page /> <page /> <footer> <div top=98% left=40%>I am the last footer.</div> </footer> </body>See also: header, page,
<pdml> <head> <author>John Q. T. Author.</author> <title>PDML Considered Harmful</title> </head> <body> ... </body> </pdml>See also: body,
<body> <header> <font face=Courier size=25pt color="#00ff5c"> <multicell align=center>Header Thingy.</multicell> </font> </header> <page /> <page /> <page /> </body>See also: footer, page,
Normal text ,<i>Italic text, </b>More normal text.See also: b, u,
Normal text ,<u>Underlined text, </u>More normal text.See also: b, i,
<header><multicell align="center">&title;</multicell></header>See also: title,
<header><multicell align="center">&author;</multicell></header>See also: author,
<header><multicell align="center">&subject;</multicell></header>See also: subject,
<header><multicell align="center">&creator;</multicell></header>See also: creator,