- # Session Start: Fri Jan 11 00:00:00 2008
- # Session Ident: #whatwg
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- # [03:21] <Hixie> acid3 updated a bit
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- # [03:45] <eseidel_> Hixie: I'm confused by the presence of @media in Acid3
- # [03:45] <eseidel_> didn't media queries get spec'd this summer?
- # [03:45] <eseidel_> Hixie: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/ or was there an earlier @media spec?
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- # [03:50] <othermaciej> eseidel_: non-query media values are much older
- # [03:50] <eseidel_> sure, but he uses @media
- # [03:50] <othermaciej> eseidel_: also, http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/CR-css3-mediaqueries-20020708/
- # [03:50] <eseidel_> @media all { foo: bar; }
- # [03:51] <othermaciej> (last CR was 2002)
- # [03:51] <eseidel_> ah
- # [03:51] <eseidel_> that's the one
- # [03:52] <eseidel_> othermaciej: however that can't be quite what Hixie was using since that doesn't support ',' syntax
- # [03:53] <eseidel_> also it rquires ()
- # [03:53] <othermaciej> "Several Media Queries can be combined in a comma-separated list."
- # [03:53] <othermaciej> @media screen and (color),
- # [03:53] <othermaciej> projection and (color) { ... }
- # [03:53] <othermaciej> is one of the examples
- # [03:53] <eseidel_> interesting, the () remain required
- # [03:54] <eseidel_> so then this should be a CSS parse error, no?
- # [03:54] <eseidel_> style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('@media all, all and color { #i { text-transform: uppercase; } }')); // matches
- # [03:54] <eseidel_> since it should be @media all, all and (color) {
- # [03:55] <othermaciej> I have no idea
- # [03:59] <eseidel_> othermaciej: I'm pretty sure they are. even though our error reporting is quite poor in that case. I updated http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16796 and cc'd hixie
- # [03:59] <eseidel_> still 2 which we fail. one due to missing features, and one I'm not sure about
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- # [05:00] <Hixie> eseidel_: media queries were in CR in 2002
- # [05:00] <eseidel_> Hixie: yes, othermaciej pointed that out
- # [05:00] <eseidel_> they re-cr'd in 07?
- # [05:00] <Hixie> yeah, just saw that :-)
- # [05:00] <Hixie> fixing editorial problems
- # [05:00] <Hixie> it's common
- # [05:00] <Hixie> CSS 2.1 has been in CR at least 3 times
- # [05:01] <Hixie> (if you count the original CSS2 "REC")
- # [05:03] <eseidel_> Hixie: btw, assert(test( would be better if test() just did the assert, IMO. Then test could provide what exception was actually thrown
- # [05:04] <Hixie> can you send me mail with that bug # and the assert feedback? i'm about to run off
- # [05:04] <eseidel_> Hixie: sure...
- # [05:04] <eseidel_> you should see mail about the @media but anyway, you're cc'd
- # [05:04] * eseidel_ writes hixie a mail
- # [05:04] <Hixie> thanks
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- # [08:23] <MikeSmith> does IE5 support getElementById ?
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- # [08:25] <MikeSmith> er, make that IE4 .
- # [08:28] <MikeSmith> ah, nair mind
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- # [08:41] <hubick> Using Firefox on my Fedora 8 x86_64 box spontaneously reboots the whole machine instantly on http://planet.mozilla.org/ when viewing a post about Acid3 test. Can anyone reproduce?
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- # [10:47] <krijnh> I'm on vacation till the 21st, so sorry for the missing logs if I disconnect and don't reconnect again :)
- # [10:50] <Philip`> Vacation away from IRC? How dreadful :-(
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- # [12:54] <Hixie> crap, i don't have the build toold installed on my mac yet
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- # [13:57] <gsnedders> They tend to be useful :P
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- # [19:38] <gsnedders> Hixie: any reason you used XML-RPC not SOAP for Pingback?
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- # [20:03] <Dashiva> gsnedders: Do you need a reason not to use SOAP? ;)
- # [20:04] <gsnedders> Dashiva: any reason to use/not use either would be nice, especially in the context of things like Pingback
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- # [22:11] <Hixie> gsnedders: SOAP is more insane than XML-RPC. But using XML-RPC was pretty dumb too.
- # [22:12] <gsnedders> Hixie: From my experience with RSS I tend to be a bit concerned about any standard written by Dave Winer
- # [22:12] <Dashiva> He was outdone this time :)
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- # [22:49] <gsnedders> Hixie: Content-Type sniffing is currently type-sensitive. It shouldn't be.
- # [22:49] <gsnedders> Hixie: for the MIME types, that is.
- # [22:50] * Joins: psa (n=yomode@
- # [22:50] <gsnedders> Hixie: I assume it is safe to change step one to be totally case-insensitive?
- # [22:50] <othermaciej> type-sensitive?
- # [22:51] <gsnedders> s/type/case/
- # [22:52] * Quits: JohnResig (n=jeresig@c-66-31-203-225.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
- # [22:52] <gsnedders> Hixie: I just noticed step 2 makes it lowercase
- # [22:52] * gsnedders headdesks
- # [23:00] <Hixie> i have no idea what you're asking :-)
- # [23:05] * Joins: jwalden (n=waldo@RANDOM-THREE-O-EIGHT.MIT.EDU)
- # [23:12] <gsnedders> Hixie: ignore me. I can't read the spec :)
- # [23:13] <gsnedders> Hixie: (assuming you read this :)) well, just the above bit
- # [23:19] * Joins: weinig_ (n=weinig@
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- # [23:28] * Joins: doublec (n=Chris_Do@203-211-87-222.ue.woosh.co.nz)
- # [23:28] <Lachy> hmm, I got request to write some articles/tutorials for developertutorials.com - has anyone heard of that site before?
- # [23:30] <Hixie> not off-hand
- # [23:34] <jwalden> Hixie: see <http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pNgBCwWdyRTT2JeiZn4B2Yw>, the notes next to 19 and 85
- # [23:35] <Hixie> fixed 85
- # [23:36] <Hixie> and for 19, i was using DOM2, which seems to justify having it on the prototype
- # [23:36] <Hixie> i think we want the constants on all objects, no?
- # [23:36] * Joins: jgraham_ (n=james@81-86-210-78.dsl.pipex.com)
- # [23:37] <Lachy> which browser is that spreadsheet listing results for?
- # [23:37] <jwalden> Firefox trunk
- # [23:42] <jwalden> Hixie: I don't mind either way, but Moz had thought constants on non-ctors wasn't per spec
- # [23:42] <jwalden> Hixie: just thinking about this because of the conversation in <http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.dom/browse_frm/thread/8f7feeb90be81c99/02a92f4574ca032a?lnk=st&q=class+properties+prototype+properties#02a92f4574ca032a>
- # [23:44] <Hixie> well i don't mind changing it to test the constructor
- # [23:44] <jwalden> Hixie: see bz in #9 there: "They might also break in future Mozilla versions (e.g. if we stop using XPConnect for DOM classes). "
- # [23:44] <Hixie> that's just gonna show even more bugs in IE...
- # [23:45] <gsnedders> But IE6 supports 100% of it!
- # [23:45] * jwalden tries to decide whether this makes him laugh or just be sad
- # [23:45] * Quits: Jero_ (n=chatzill@d203090.upc-d.chello.nl) (Remote closed the connection)
- # [23:49] * Quits: phsiao (n=shawn@nat/ibm/x-8416518a43f07d68)
- # [23:58] <gsnedders> Hixie: if you were to create Pingback from the ground up today with no regard for backwards compat., what would you use in place of XML-RPC?
- # Session Close: Sat Jan 12 00:00:00 2008
The end :)